
汤哥太拼了! 碟中谍6:全面瓦解 Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)热门争议影评

素昔 看过 2018-07-26

10 有用 Ricky925 看过 2018-07-26
阿汤哥现已很拼了!瞎猜都能猜对的剧情现已毫无新意,仅有的亮点大约就是阿汤哥怎样摧残自己了。一秒变跑酷小能手,一秒又开飞机撞飞机,还要发挥圣母光环,危急下英雄救美。后来那个上司说Hunt连一条人命都要救的时分我就翻白眼,那几个暴徒不是人么=。=间谍智商掉线已是知识,还好亨利的颜还能打……咦,等等,为啥你两这回把自己包裹的这么严实?@festival grand cinema

A Tango is now very hard! The plot that can be guessed right now is nothing new. The only bright spot is how to destroy himself. One second change to a cool little expert, one second to launch a plane and crash into the plane, but also to play the aura of the Virgin, the hero in a critical situation to save the United States. Later, when the boss said that Hunt would have to save even one person, I would roll my eyes. Are the mobs not people? = Spy IQ is offline, but Henry’s face can still be played… Hey, wait, why are you so tight in this time?

12 有用 Departure陆离 看过 2018-07-26

Ethan’s Ethan was so perfect that the role of the white widow was particularly good. She looked at her eyes and was filled with the passions of Essen. I have to say that the IMF’s mission is more unusual than once. The body of Atango is 60. I don’t know if I can still live in the next step. (Others are not really long-haired in this normal routine.) Julia returns. Too lyrical.
3 有用 肥嘟嘟左卫门 看过 2018-07-27

Still very desperate, but there are no flying wings in front of the plane, Dubai skyscrapers, Turandot headshots are so impressive.
4 有用 igrɛkonze 看过 2018-07-26
一度為Simon Pegg操碎了心

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