
上映日期 04-11 暗物质 Dark Matter (2008)

上映日期 04-11  类似美剧 暗物质 Dark Matter

(BCM/文)这部影片取材于实在故事,叙述的是发生在1991年震动国际的留美学生卢刚枪杀导师的惨剧。卢刚(刘烨饰)是北京人,出生于一个一般的工人家庭,18岁考入北京大学物理系,1982年通过李政道掌管的中美物理学沟通方案选拔,结业后以交流学生身份公费赴美攻读博士学位,就读于衣阿华大学物理与天文学系,其时年仅22岁。 而他的导师及衣阿华大学副校长安·柯莱瑞教授(梅丽尔·斯特里普饰)则是阿衣华大学最有威望的女性之一。她出生在上海,其父亲曾到我国布道,因此她对我国很有豪情,并对我国留学生适当爱护。合理我们都庆幸卢刚很幸运地遇到一个这么好的导师,为他会有一个很光亮的出路而感到自豪时,一个令人意想不到的悲惨剧发生了——他在取得该校太空物理学博士学位以后,竟开枪射杀了三位教授和副校长安·柯莱瑞,以及和他一起取得博士学位的同胞林华。而在枪杀5人以后,卢刚自己饮弹自尽。究竟是什么令一个文雅谦恭的学生转眼间成为一个杀人凶手呢?

(BCM / text) The film based on the true story about the place in 1991 shocked the world of Chinese students killed Lu Gang mentor tragedy. Gang Lu (Liu Ye ornaments) from Beijing, was born in an ordinary worker’s family, 18-year-old was admitted to the Department of Physics, 1982, chaired by Lee physics Sino-US exchange program selection, after graduating as a student in exchange for public funds to go US doctorate, studying at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, at the age of 22 years old. His mentor and professor at the University of Iowa Vice President Ann Ke Lairui (Meryl Streep) is one of China University Women A dress the most authoritative. She was born in Shanghai, his father went to China as a missionary, so she is very emotional to China, and Chinese students considerable care. While we are fortunate Lu Gang was lucky enough to meet such a good teacher, as he will have a very bright future and proud, an unexpected tragedy – his PhD in physics in obtaining school space After the degree, actually he shot and killed three professors and Vice President Ann Ke Lairui, as well as compatriot and his doctorate while Lin Hua. And after shooting five people, Lu Gang commit suicide. In the end is what makes a gentle humble student blink of an eye it becomes a murderer? (Netease Entertainment Zhuangao reproduced indicate the source)

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