


接着是老公与老婆吵架,与生疏男子在外遇见的场景~,以后有一段,老婆回家很吃惊的表情,这一幕大概是老公在等待着老婆回来,但老婆是有愧疚的表情,然后是他们深谈谈天,这之前,大概老公现已感知他老婆的需求,但自个无法满意~~~正本两个相爱的人由于老公的病痛而不能开心的享用这种性爱,工桑在这注定是个纠结的人物~~老婆有一幕脱光自个的衣服,去尽力的巴结老公,或许老公也想尽力了,可是他已是个患者,或许说他再也没办法满意老婆这种需求,这才是相爱的一对夫妻最大的苦楚~Sang can not let workers play point normal to reconcile the figures ah, valiant want to move taksu Trailer originals are waiting for him and his wife’s eighth cut picture, the results look, the cabin warm protagonist is not him, OMG , they met a couple in her husband’s friend in Thailand, so care of the household, that is, play workers mulberry wife, they mutually favorable impression of the bar in Thailand meet, and enthusiasm! Later on, the passion of the male is this man, and I all kinds of bad mood! Point is not normal! ~~~~~
Although not really understand Japanese, but the pop-up screen, life and death, sex and love, it is human nature that is, why make it to pregnant mothers appears in the film, emphasizing the students, workers Sang see this pregnant mother couple midnight, he was waiting to touch the pregnant mother’s belly, because he was a patient here, since he knows a little time, that he was born to wait beyond this all around, he gently touched someone’s stomach, perhaps that he and his wife are here to relax in the healing process, he is a little surprised to see this.
Then the husband and wife quarrel, met with strange men outside scene – after a while, my wife home very surprised expression, this scene is probably waiting for her husband to come back with his wife, but his wife is guilty expression, then they deep talk about the day, before that, probably her husband have been aware of the needs of his wife, but since one can not be satisfied with the original ~ ~ ~ two people in love can not be due to the illness of her husband’s happy to enjoy this sex workers Sang this is bound to be tangled characters ~ wife has a scene from a strip of clothing, to try to curry favor with her husband, her husband may also want to try to, but he is a patient, perhaps he could say this demand can not be satisfied wife, this is the love A couple of the sufferings of the largest –

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