


导演: 邢键钧
编剧: 邢键钧
主演: 贾景晖 / 刘北 / 杨壹童 / 邢翰卿 / 王冠淇 / 更多…
范例: 笑剧 / 立功
造片国度/地域: 中国年夜陆
言语: 汉语一般话
上映日期: 2018-01-14(中国年夜陆)
片长: 90分钟

我是大好人的剧情简介 · · · · · ·

 电影“我是一个好人”是由“上帝的上帝”团队制作的,由一个9岁的男孩施浩天打开,他的父亲施老一整天忙着做事,他是无辜的,周到的 我对此非常不满意。 然后我在互联网上投掷某人绑架自己,希望得到两点像命运,以唤起他们父亲的内疚的良心,并区分差异。 在这个场合,另一系列的赎回旅行被取消了。 毕竟,这部电影将是一个完美融合的可信行为,爱情和黑白,并将有助于小人们的悲伤和喜悦。

The movie ‘I am a good man’ was produced by the team of ‘God of God’ and was opened by Shi Haotian, a 9-year-old boy, whose father Shi Lao was busy with things all day and he was innocent and thoughtful I was very dissatisfied with it. Then I am throwing someone to kidnap himself on the Internet, hoping to take two points like fate to arouse the conscience of their father’s guilt and distinguish the difference. On this occasion another series of redemption trips was canceled. After all, the movie will be a perfect fusion of creditable acts, love, and black and white, and will contribute to the sadness and joy of small people.

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