


导演: 阿里·阿巴西
编剧: 阿里·阿巴西 / 伊莎贝拉·爱卡洛芙 / 约翰·艾维德·林德奎斯特
主演: 埃娃·梅兰德 / 埃罗·米洛诺夫 / 维克托·奥克布卢姆-僧尔紧 / 马蒂·博斯泰特 / 约根·托尔紧 / Andreas Kundler / Joakim Olsson
范例: 恋爱 / 惊悚 / 奇异
造片国度/地域: 瑞典 / 丹麦
言语: 瑞典语
上映日期: 2018-05-10(戛纳影戏节) / 2018-08-31(瑞典)
片长: 110分钟
别名: 疆域偶谭(台) / 疆域偶闻(港) / Border

疆域的剧情简介 · · · · · ·

 Tina is a very high customs officer. She has an extraordinary sense of smell and seems to smell the resentment of people. But when Vore looked at the suspicious woman who was present in her, her sense of smell seemed to be the first to die. Tina knows that Vore is hiding some work, but he doesn’t know what it is. Even worse, she and even vaguely feel that I am being attracted to him. She took Vore to conclude a special relationship, not only invented his real identity, but also recognized his own truth: like Vore, she does not belong to the world. Her whole life is set up on a lie. Now, she must make a choice: to continue to live a hypocritical person to die, to end the horror ideals of Vore in the end.

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